Four Day Immersion
Desirée Rumbaugh and Andrew Rivin
May 29th to June 1st 2025
This four day training will transform and inspire your practice and/or your teaching.
Desirée Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher with certifications in Iyengar and Anusara Yoga who travels the globe offering workshops and retreats, sharing knowledge she has accumulated over the past three decades of working with students of all ages and levels of experience. She is a master at delivering the complexity of yoga in a down-to-earth, easily understandable way. Along with being a yoga instructor, Andrew is also an executive leadership coach.
Together, these two teachers will offer inspiration for your body, mind and spirit

Four Day Immersion
What you will learn
- strengthen your deep core which will help you gain balanced flexibility
- gain more understanding of your unique spine and muscular holding patterns
- experience the benefits of slow and deliberate organization of movement as contrasted with a faster paced practice
- practice helping others to see themselves more clearly with carefully chosen partner work
- using poses to feel better emotionally and physically rather than merely attempting to perform them
- be inspired to patiently work on healing your body and never give up
- have time to examine whatever is going on in your life and possibly gain some new insights from your own inner wisdom
- experiencing valuable insights about your own body to enable you to forge your own path skillfully so you can lead others with confidence
This teacher training will consist of a total of 10 hours contact time divided into four segments.

Four Day Immersion
About Desiree
Desiree holds fast to the teaching that Love is Stronger Than Fear. Having navigated personal tragedy, she has relied on the study and practice of Yoga to help her move forward in life with inner strength and courage. Known also for her warmth, authenticity and playful sense of humor, Desiree is a master at delivering the complexity of yoga in a down-to-earth, easily understandable way.
Mehr über Desirée:
Four Day Immersion
Time & Place
Atelierraum Glockenbachwerkstatt
Baumstrasse 8b
80469 München
Four Day Immersion
Donnerstag(29.05) bis Sonntag(01.06)
10.00 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr: Session 1
12.30 bis 14.00: Pause
14.00 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr: Session 2
Earlybird €450(vor dem 01.04.2025/bis zum 10. Platz) Regulär €500
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